Users Manual Part 2

Status Filing
Press Menu Key to access Main Menu to select
“Applications—Status Filing”.
When the feature is enabled,the control center or other
radio holder will master your working status etc.
[Such as:on the job ,off the job or just leave the job].
You may process this function quickly through Shortcut
Key Setting Menu.
Filing Address Setting: You may send your status to your
assigned receiver through Filing Address Setting .
DMR Functions and Operations
You can input ID number to the ID editing interface and sent
it to dataspace when you want to inquiry it .You also can review
it from the history record.
The radio signal strength are not strong enough to sure
seamless communication.
To ensure no any break communication to rome one base
station to another base station . To enable this function,
set in CPS as below :
1. In “Scan Public Setting “interface, select “Roaming
switching” or “Roaming in Transmitting”.
To set “Enable Limits ” “Interval Time” “Strength Excursion “,
“Switching Limits in Transmitting “,” “Switching Limits in
In the home screen, the radio signal strength are not
strong enough to achieve seamless communication.
This feature will enable radio will register from one base
station to another.To enable this item, set in cps as follow:
1. To access this item, press “Scan Public Setting” interface
in CPS and then select “scan”
2. To set “ Signal Strength Level” .This setting is used to
enable the function while the signal strength is under a
preset value. The radio will register from one station to
3. To set the “Time Interval”, “Signal Strength Excursion”,
the radio will register to another high signal strength
base station automatically.