Users Manual Part 2

Private Call
Transmitting a Private Call
You may transmit a Private Call through the following methods.
When transmitting a Private Call ,this radio will set up calling
automatically .
To ensure an optimal volume of the receiving radio,hold the radio
approximately 2.5to 5 centimeters away from your month .
1.Press Menu Key to go to Main Menu
2. Go to“Contacts List - Private Call Contacts List”,Or go to
"Call Logs" and access the outgoing /Incoming/Missed list.
3. Use the Up/Down Key to select the Private Call Contacts
you want to call.
4. Use P3 Key or PTT Key to transmitting a call
Through Manual Input
1.Input a Private Call number you want to call in home screen.
2. Use P3 Key ,PTT Key or select Dail Key # to transmitting
a Private Call.
Transmitting a Private Call through Redail List or Recall List.
1.Press P3 Key to Redail List or P4 Key to Recall List
to Input a Private Call number you want to call in home screen.
2. Use P3 Key or PTT Key to transmitting a Private Call.
Transmitting a Private Call failed while products
unregistered or registration failed .
Receiving and Responding to a Private Call
When a Private Call is received ,your radio automatic to
transmitting a Private Call and a“De”alert tone sounds,
your radio will display the icon. (As shown above).
You may press P3 key or PTT key,coming call Ring
and icon will disappear.
The first line display the coming call alias or ID
(As shown above).
Voice Communication
After setting up a Private Call ,both the calling party
and called party are in PPT authorization interface ,
and hold down PTT Key to talk. While transmitting voice
LCD will display this iron While receiving voice
LCD will display PTT authorization interface .
MPT Trunking Functions and Operations
Transmitting a call through Contacts and Call Logs