Users Manual Part 2

Call Duration
● The calling party LCD .
To count up the Call Duration by count -down,the starting
time of count-down time is the total lasted talking time.
This time is preset time via system configuration .
When the total lasted calling time expires the preset time ,
this radio will return back from calling and end this call.
● The called party LCD
To count up the Call duration time by occurred time ,the
start time from 0.
To count up from the called party access to Group Call .
Recount up by count-down requires when the called party
end Group Call and access this group through“Late Access”
After setting up a Group Call ,Both the calling party LCD
and the called party LCD will display Call Duration in time .
Unit is “Minutes :Seconds.”(As shown)
MPT Trunking Function and Opertaions
Ending Call
1.Nobody hold down PTT Key for a long time ,and this radio
will end call automatically when silence period expires .
2.This radio will end call when the total calling time expires the
preset time.
3.During calling, any party of calling or called hang up.
4.Base station signal lost.
● Display master control channel
After initiating a call application ,LCD will display master
control channel of radio registered base station before setting
up voice communication.
● Display main operation channel
After setting up a callLCD will display the operation
channel of the current base station occupied.
Communication Channel Display