Installation Instructions

Color Code
Color code is used to identify a system. Users who wish to
communicate with each other are assigned with the same
color code. A radio ignores the channel activity which does
not match the preset color code in this field, as it assumes
the activity belongs to other systems.
Call Log
To access this item, press the Menu key in the home screen
and then select "Call Log", or press the shortcut key for Call
Log directly.
The radio can save up to 200 call entries under this option.
When the Call Log is full, the oldest entry will be overwritten
by the latest one automatically.
For each call entry, you can choose to perform any of
these operations: Initiate a Call through PTT Press, View,
and Delete.
Man Down
Once this feature is activated, if your radio tilts to a specified
gradient and is not placed upright within Man Down Delay
Time, it will enter the emergency mode.
This feature will be valid if it is checked in the CPS.
A zone is a group of channels. Your radio supports up to
2048 channels and 32 zones, with a maximum of 64
channels per zone.
You may select a zone through any of the following methods.
Selecting a Zone through the Zone Menu
Selecting a Zone through the Programmable Button
1. Press the Setting key in the home screen.
2. Go to “Zone”.
3. Use the Up/Down key to select a desired zone.
4. Press the OK key to switch to the selected zone.
If you set shortcut for Zone Up/Down, press the shortcut key
to turn to the desired zone.
To delete all call entries in the Missed/Incoming/Outgoing
Call list, select "Call Log -> Missed/Incoming/Outgoing
Call -> Selected Call -> Delete All".
Digital Conventional Functions and Operations