User Manual

Introducing the BV10 CLI
34 BV10
Entering Commands
Completing Commands
To submit a CLI command, press the Enter key.
The CLI command completion feature lets you type part of a command
and use the Tab key to complete the remainder of the command. Consider
the following examples.
sh <tab> resolves to show
con <tab> resolves to console
sh <tab> ve <tab> resolves to show version
Command completion works as long as what you have typed is
unambiguous – that is, there are no other CLI commands that start with the
letter or letters you have typed. Typing just
c, for example, does not allow
the CLI to distinguish
console from clear. If it cannot be unambiguously
determined, the CLI displays a list of possible commands and parameters
that begin with the partial keyword.
When the rest of the command can be completed, it appears in its
completed form on the same line when you press the Tab key. If the
command cannot be completed, the possible values appear on the
following line when you press the Tab key.
Tip: You can combine abbreviated commands with command completion
on the same line. For example, if you type
sh v <tab>, the command
resolves to
sh version. When you then press Enter, the CLI abbreviated
command feature allows it to successfully resolve the
sh and the v to show
and displays the current software/firmware versions.