User guide

Remote Control
Tunable Laser Source 121
Programming Commands
Note You cannot use this query while theTunable Laser Source is
performing a sweep.
You do not have to enter all values in the query, but you must
enter the values in the same order as in the Syntax section. If
you want to enter only some of the values, use a comma ( , )
to separate the values, including the ones you did not enter.
For each value including units, such as wavelengths or speed,
you can specify a unit to use in the same way as the specific
queries in the previous pages. If you do not specify the units, the
system will use those that are currently set.
To specify the units, add <wsp><unit> at the end of the value
you want to modify. The <unit> parameter will be a
wavelength unit (nm or THz) or a speed unit (nm/s or THz/s).
Example A complete query:
SOUR:SWE:CONT:PROG? 1550.50,1600.50,10.000,25,1,1
A query changing only the speed and reverse options:
SOUR:SWE:CONT:PROG? ,,10.000,,0,
A query setting the start and end wavelengths in THz, as well as
the speed, leaving the latter at its original settings:
SOUR:SWE:CONT:PROG? 196.7 THZ,186.8 THZ,5.000 THZ/S