Instruction Manual

Creating and Generating Reports
188 MAX-700
Generating a Report
Macrobend table: a single table containing the
location and the delta loss of all the detected
macrobends. This table is followed by another table
which contains the macrobend thresholds.
Note: This table is global to the fiber and will
be generated if the application has
detected macrobends (at any
wavelength). For example, even if you
choose to only include the current trace
(for which no macrobends have been
detected at this particular wavelength),
the table could be generated if
macrobends have been detected at
other wavelengths.
By default, this item is selected if you purchased the
Auto Diagnostic (AD) software option. Otherwise, the
item will be unavailable or hidden if you configured
the application as such (see Displaying or Hiding the
Optional Features on page 106).
Cable information: a single table containing
information such as the fiber ID, cable ID, location A
and B.
By default, this item is selected.
Job information: test date and time (including the time
zone), job ID and customer, operator A and
Operator B, filename, and company.
By default, this item is selected.
Item appearing on the report