User's Manual

EX7100 Technical Manual - Module Descriptions
©1999 Exicom Technologies (1996) Ltd 7-17 Issue 3 - May 2001
The RF devices used in the Power Amplifier module may
contain beryllium dioxide. These devices must not be broken,
ground, hammered or tampered with in any way, and should
be disposed of in a safe manner as specified in local
environmental and safety legislation. If safe disposal is a
problem, they should be sealed in an appropriate container
and returned to Exicom for disposal. In this case, it is the
senders’ responsibility to ensure that all precautions are
taken to ensure safe delivery to Exicom.
Accessing the Transmitter Module
To gain service access to the Transmitter module, remove the bottom cover as per
Section 6.1.
With the unit de-powered, check the Transmitter module visually for signs of damage
such as burnt tracks or components. Check that all connectors are fully mated and that
all socketed ICs are fully home. If no damage is apparent, apply power and follow the
steps outlined in Figure 7.11.