User's Manual

EX7100 Technical Manual - Module Descriptions
©1999 Exicom Technologies (1996) Ltd 7-47 Issue 3 - May 2001
7.9 VHF Duplex Filter Module Type 8013
7.9.1 General
The Duplex Filter (or Duplexer) allows the receiver and transmitter modules to be
connected to one antenna at each terminal.
This is achieved with selective filtering. At the receive frequency the antenna port of the
Duplexer is connected as directly as possible to the receiver input. Similarly at the
transmit frequency the antenna port is connected as directly as possible to the transmitter
PA output.
The Duplexer isolates the receiver from the large signals produced by the transmitter. In
addition, it provides significant protection against lightning damage to the radio.
Note: The use of suitable earthing and an external lightning arrester is recommended at
all times, refer to Section 2.6.1 for further details.
Four VHF Duplexer variants are available: one Duplexer covers 138 to 156MHz and
another 152 to 175MHz. For each frequency range there is a version for 4 to 6 MHz
Rx/Tx spacing and another version for 6 to 15 MHz spacing.
VHF Connections
The Duplexer module has three connection ports: Antenna, High and Low.
Antenna Provides RF connection to/from the installed antenna.
High Connection is dependent on the Tx and Rx operating frequency pair. If the
Tx operates on the higher frequency, the High port connects to the PA
output (PL102). If the Rx operates on the higher frequency, the High port
connects to the Receiver Front-End input (SK101).
Low Connection will be the reverse of that detailed above, dependent on which
module is using the lower frequency.
VHF Mounting
The VHF Duplexer module is mounted on the underside of the Top Cover via 4 threaded
studs and associated fasteners (refer to Section 7.9.4 Duplexer Replacement Procedure).