User's Manual

EX7100 Technical Manual – Monitoring and Diagnostics
©1999 Exicom Technologies (1996) Ltd 4-17 Issue 1 - February 2001
4.6.3 BER Testing an EX7100: Round-Trip
A) Connect a BERT, set to send and receive simultaneously, to the local EX7100
B) Follow steps B-E above to set the EX7100 terminals for the correct interface, clock
sync, and 100% operation.
C) Set the remote EX7100 terminal to Digital Remote Loopback mode by first setting up
a remote test link and accessing the remote terminal (refer to Section 4.3.1) then
following the procedure below:
1) From idle, press ‘Enter’
Use the arrow keys to enter the First Level
password ‘1111’ and then press ‘Enter’.
2) Use the up and down arrow keys to make
sure the
is next to Framer and then
press ‘Enter’
3) Use the up and down arrow keys to make
sure the
is next to Loopback and then
press ‘Enter’.
4) Use the up and down arrow keys to
choose the required loopback and then
press ‘Enter’.
5) Use the keypad to turn the loopback
function on.
D) The BER test may now begin. Remember to disable the loopback, close the test link,
and return the EX7100 terminals to their original configurations when finished.
4.6.4 BER testing an EX7100: Local Interface.
A) Connect a BERT, set to send and receive, to the local EX7100 terminal.
B) Set the EX7100 terminal to the correct interface and clock sync using the steps in
Section 4.6.2.
C) Using the instructions given earlier as a guide, set the EX7100 terminal to Digital
Local Loopback mode.
D) The BER test may now begin. Remember to disable the loopback and return the
terminal to its original configuration when finished.
Password 1
RF parameters