User's Manual

EX7100 Technical Manual – Monitoring and Diagnostics
©1999 Exicom Technologies (1996) Ltd 4-19 Issue 1 - February 2001
The following table shows the pin to pin connections required for the LMS port connector
Terminal 1 – Terminal 2 Terminal 2 – Terminal 3 Terminal 3 – ELMS PC
Pin 1 - Pin 1 Pin 1 - Pin 1 Pin 3 - RS232 Tx
Pin 2 - Pin 2 Pin 2 - Pin 2 Pin 4 - RS232 Rx
Pin 5 - Pin 5 Pin 5 - Pin 5 Pin 5 – RS232 ground
Note: The ELMS PC connects to terminal three using RS-232. The terminals
communicate with each other using RS-485
4.7.3 Accessing Bussed Terminals.
Using an ELMS configured PC, the user may access any local terminal, or the remote
terminal of any link. An instruction on how to use ELMS is provided within the program.