User Manual

The controls in the Sync group (to the right of the delay slider)
allow you to sync the delay time to the tempo of the host ap-
plication, or to another instance of Augustus Loop. (NB not all
plug-in hosts provide tempo information.)
Host Tempo
This button activates the host tempo mode.
Beat Divisor & Triplet
The 'Beat Divisor' drop-down menu lets you set the units in which you want to control the
loop length. '1/4' corresponds to quarter notes, '1/8' to eighth notes etc. The 'Triplet' but-
ton turns the selected value to triplets.
This is where you set the number of beats you want for the loop length. NB this can be a
non-integer value e.g. if the beat divisor is '1/8' then setting 'Beats' to 1.5 will give you a
dotted eighth note loop length.
Using Beats with Tap Record
When a loop has been recorded using the Tap Rec feature, the length of the loop and the
beats controls define a tempo (see Clock Out, below). Once this has been done, you can
change the beats controls to change the loop length in a rhythmically meaningful way.
E.g. suppose the Beats control is set to 4, and that you use Tap Rec to record a loop of 1.2
seconds. Changing the Beats control to 2 would change the loop length to 0.6 seconds;
changing the Beats control to 8 would change the loop length to 2.4 seconds.
Sync Groups
The bottom two controls in this section - the Sync Group Mode dropdown menu and the
Sync Group Number knob/textfield - allow you to sync up multiple copies of Augustus
Loop which are running at the same time within one host application.
There are 16 sync groups; which group an Augustus Loop is in is defined by its Sync
Group Numbers setting. How the plug-in interacts with its sync group is defined by the
Sync Group Mode setting. There are four options, as follows:
None - the plug-in is not affected by any other in its sync group, nor does it affect any
other plug-in.
Master - the plug-in is the group ‘master’. Its loop length and tempo information is
made available to other plug-ins in the group. NB if you set two plug-ins to both be
the master of the same group, the result is undefined (and probably not useful).