Owner's manual

OSC Control
From version 3.1.0 Crossfade Loop Synth can be controlled via the Open Sound Control
(OSC) protocol.
If you’re new to OSC, start by visiting opensoundcontrol.org.
Two settings control what port the plug-in uses to listen on for OSC com-
mands. One is the base OSC port, set in the preferences. The second is the
OSC Port Offset control. If the port offset is set to something other than ‘Off’,
then the two numbers are added together and the result used as the port
number. E.g. if the base port is 6000 and the port offset is 1, then the plug-in
will listen on port 6001.
Received OSC Commands
In the documentation below, OSC parameters are prefixed with a string to indicate their
type, as follows:
s - string
i - integer
f - float
b - boolean
All the examples assume that the plug-in is listening at address
/ping s:returnUrl s:returnPath
Responds by sending a message back to the returnUrl and returnPath with the parameters
s:hosturl s:version
/ping osc.udp:// “/foo”
replies to with
/foo osc.udp:// “Crossfade Loop Synth 3.1.0”
/set i:param f:value
Sets the value of parameter ‘param’ to ‘value’.
/get i:param s:returnUrl s:returnPath
Responds by sending a message back to the returnUrl and returnPath with the parameters
i:param f:value
where ‘value’ is the value of parameter ‘param’. E.g.