
The Filter section applies a state-variable filter to the out-
put of the other sections.
Controls the filter’s cut-off frequency.
Controls the filter’s resonance.
Allows you to smoothly change between the following filter types:
Thru - no filtering
Low - lowpass filter
Band - bandpass filter
High - highpass filter
Env Mod
This section controls how the envelope
affects various other sections.
Osc Env
This knob controls the extent to which
the tracked envelope controls the level
of the Oscillator. At the default setting
of 1.0, the Oscillator is fully controlled by the envelope. At settings below 1.0, the Oscilla-
tor does not entirely fade away as the envelope falls to zero. At a setting of 0.0, the Oscilla-
tor is always at full volume (use with care, as full volume is most likely a lot louder than
the other audio in your system).
Controls the level above which the envelope must rise before it has any affect on the con-
trolled values.
This is typically useful to make it so the envelope modulation only affects the attack por-
tion of your sound, while the (lower level) sustain section is not affected.