
more slowly than that of the incoming audio; higher release settings will cause the enve-
lope to fall more slowly than that of the incoming audio.
Once the envelope falls below the gate value, it is forced to exactly zero. (This is similar to
the operation of a traditional noise gate.) This is useful if your incoming audio is quite
noisy, and you don’t want a very low level of synthesised sound leaking out when you’re
not actually playing.
Pitch Tracking Display
Just below the level meters is a readout of the currently
tracked pitch, in Hz, and as note names and cents.
The numbers go red if Oomingmak fails to track the pitch of
the incoming audio.
The display vanishes entirely once the envelope has fallen to zero.
These knobs control the output waveform of the
oscillator section.
The level of the triangle wave output.
The level of the sawtooth wave output.
The level of the square wave output.
The pulse-width of the square wave output.