User Manual

object, select “Target Info” in the bottom right corner. To exit the tour, simply press App Bar.
Coordinate Input:
To move to specific coordinates, select “Coordinate Input” from the bottom menu options. This will
bring you to the coordinate entry screen where you can enter either RA/DEC or ALT/AZ information in
either decimal or hms format. Once you submit your information, the destination of the telescope will
be displayed on the screen as it slews.
Load Extra Stars:
To access extra libraries of celestial objects, select the “Load Extra Stars” option. To access objects
in these libraries, do a keyword search for an object using the built-in Windows search feature. Once
a list of objects related to your search pops up, you can select one and it will take you to the target’s
information page. If the object is above the horizon, the “Slew to Object” button will appear
on that page.
Manual Operation
The telescope can be moved manually using the control pad on the right side of the application’s
home screen. The numbers represent the speed at which the mount will move with 0 being the
slowest and 9 being the fastest. In general, each speed is twice as fast as the previous one. Once you
select a speed, use the up, down, left, right navigation buttons to move the telescope to your desired
position. You can also control the mount manually using the “compass” image on the left side of
the home screen. Press the Explore Scientific logo in the center of the compass and drag it in the
direction that you would like the telescope to move. As you move the dot, a number will appear in
the middle that shows the speed at which you are moving the mount. The further from the original
location that you move the dot, the faster the scope will travel in that direction.
Other Features:
Park the mount: This option will send the mount back to its original position pointing at the north
celestial pole (NCP) or very close to the star Polaris.
Reset Alignment: Anytime you relocate the telescope/mount, you will want to go through the
alignment process again. This option clears the current alignment settings.
Reset Comm Link: This option will reset the communications link between the PMC-Eight™ system
and your Windows device should it become interrupted.
NOTE: This only works if the yellow “communications active” LED is flashing on the PMC-Eight
controller. Otherwise, you will need to physically reposition your mount to the “Park” position, power
down the PMC-Eight and power it back up. You will need to re-establish communications again by
reconnecting to the SSID in network settings.
Also, if you need to stop the mount’s motion quickly, you can press this button. It will stop the mount
without losing your alignment settings.
Sync on Target: If you find the target is not well centered in the eyepiece after executing a go-to
command (due to misalignments, poor leveling, improper time output or errors in site location),
center the object. Then press the Sync on Target button. This feature in essence synchronizes the
telescope to a particular area of the sky. The next object will be better centered provided it is not to far
away from the target you synced on.