Installation Manual

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Syem Connections
You may have already completed some or all of these connections in previous eps. Make sure to remove
any plugs before inalling Tubing. Use the provided Lock Clips to secure any Tubing connections.
A to B Connect the RED Tubing to the Feed Water Adapter Valve (point A), then to the hole marked as “IN”
on the Leak Stop Valve (point B).
C to D Connect the WHITE Tubing to the hole marked as “OUT” on the Leak Stop Valve (point C), then to the
Sediment Filter Housing’s Male Elbow Fitting (point D).
E to F The RED Tubing is already connected to the Automatic Shut-O Valve (point E), connect the loose end
to the Carbon Block Filter Housing’s Male Elbow Fitting (point F).
G to H Connect the BLACK Tubing to the Flow Rerictor side indicated by the arrow on the Rerictor (point
G), then to the Drain Saddle (point H).
I to J Connect the YELLOW Tubing to the Inline Po Carbon Filters Stem Run Tee (point I), then to the Water
Storage Tank’s Tank Valve (point J).
K to L Connect the BLUE Tubing to the Stem Elbow at the end of the Inline Po Carbon Filter (point K), then
to your RO Faucet connection (point L).
M Connect the power cord from the Ultraviolet Sterilizer to an appropriate 110V outlet.
Syem Startup
Syem Maintenance
Time Eimate: 8-12 hours (We recommend running 4 full tanks of water through your new syem. Each
tank should take 2-3 hours, depending on your home’s water pressure levels).
NOTE! Do not drink water from your new syem until you have completed Syem Startup. The
ushing process is needed for your lters to begin working.
NOTE! Do not send water through your fridge until ushing is complete, carbon nes ushed
during artup will clog your refrigerator.
1. Turn the Tank Valve to the Closed position (refer to page 20).
2. Open the water supply to the RO Syem (use Cold Water Supply and Feed Water Adapter Valve refer to
pages 12 and 13) (Make sure the main water supply is also on)
3. Open handle on the RO Faucet (refer to page 15) and wait up to 10 minutes for water to art dripping from
faucet. Let the water drip for 5 minutes.
4. Close the handle on the RO Faucet and wait 10 minutes for pressure to build. Then carefully check your RO
Syem for any leaks (Feel or visually inspect every connection point for leaks. If a leak occurs, turn the Feed
Water Adapter Valve OFF, refer to page 27).
5. Turn the Tank Valve to the Open position.
6. Allow the Water Storage Tank to ll completely (this takes about 2-3 hours depending on your incoming
water pressure).
7. Flush the syem by opening the RO Faucet handle until the ored water is completely emptied and the
ow is reduced to a trickle (about 1-5 minutes).
8. Close the RO Faucet handle and allow the Tank to ll again.
9. Repeat eps 6-8 two more times (about 4-6 hours). (Occasionally check for leaks during this time)
10. Let the tank ll one nal time and sit overnight (8+ hours) before ushing the water
11. After the 5th tank is lled you may drink the water.
12. Check for leaks daily during the 1 week of use and periodically thereafter.
NOTE! You may notice that the water has a milky color during the 1 week. This is an indication of
air bubbles in the water. This is normal during this period and the water is safe to drink.
These recommendations are intended for maximum eciency of your RO Syem.
Filter and RO Membrane Storage
- Store unopened lters in an airtight container to prevent them from absorbing air. This prolongs the
shelf life of the lters and avoids any possible odors or contamination from the air.
- Using this method it is okay to ore lters for several years. Store in a cool, dry, dark place (avoid
heat and moiure contamination).
Extended Syem Non-Use
- If you will not be using the RO Syem for two weeks or more you will need to follow the “Vacation
Mode” guide on page 27.