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The Font Management Core
Suitcase Fusion keeps fonts active through the use of a background application called the Font Management
Core, or FMCore. Because the FMCore is always running in the background, you can exit Suitcase Fusion and
still keep the fonts you want active.
The FMCore starts the first time you start Suitcase Fusion 4, then will automatically start every time you log in to
your computer, unless you manually stop the core. To start the core after stopping it, you just need to start
Suitcase Fusion 4.
To stop the FMCore:
1. With Suitcase Fusion 4 running, choose Edit > Preferences.
2. Click the Type Core tab in the Preferences window.
3. Click the Stop FMCore button in the Preferences window. In the warning dialog, click Stop FMCore .
Suitcase Fusion 4 will close.
You do not need to keep Suitcase Fusion open to keep fonts active or to activate fonts with the auto-activation
plug-ins. Choose File > Exit (Alt-F4) to close Suitcase Fusion 4, but keep the FMCore running in the