
Power and Receive Sensitivity - 2.4 GHz
Channel Data Rate Power (dBm) Sensitivity
1 - 11 Mbps 23 -96, -89
6 Mbps 23 -92
54 Mbps 22 -75
11n HT20 MCS0, 7 23, 22 -92, -72
11n HT40 MCS0, 7 23, 22 -89, -69
11ax HE20 HE0, 11 23, 20 -91, -62
11ax HE40
HE0, 11 23, 20 -88, -59
Power and Receive Sensitivity – 5 GHz
Channel Data Rate Power (dBm) Sensitivity
6 Mbps 22 -95
54 Mbps 20 -77
11n HT20 MCS0, 7 22, 18 -94, -75
11n HT40 MCS0, 7 22, 18 -91, -72
11ac VHT20 MCS0, 8 22, 17 -94, -71
11ac VHT40 MCS0, 9 22, 17 -91, -66
11ac VHT80 MCS0, 9 22, 17 -88, -63
11ac VHT160 MCS0, 9 22, 17 -85, -60
11ax HE20 HE0, 11 22, 16 -93, -63
11ax HE40 HE0, 11 22, 16 -90, -60
11ax HE80 HE0, 11 22, 16 -87, -57
11ax HE160
HE0, 11 22, 16 -84, -54
(Sensor) Receive Sensitivity – 2.4 GHz
Channel Data Rate Sensitivity
1 - 11 Mbps -95, -88
6 Mbps -91
54 Mbps -74
11n HT20 MCS0, 7 -91, -71
11n HT40 MCS0, 7 -88, -68
11ax HE20 HE0, 11 -90, -61
11ax HE40
HE0, 11 -87, -58
Receive Sensitivity – 5 GHz
Channel Data Rate Power (dBm)
6 Mbps -94
54 Mbps -76
11n HT20 MCS0, 7 -93, -73
11n HT40 MCS0, 7 -90, -70
11ac VHT20 MCS0, 8 -93, -69
11ac VHT40 MCS0, 9 -90, -64
11ac VHT80 MCS0, 9 -86, -61
11ax HE20 HE0, 11 -92, -62
11ax HE40 HE0, 11 -89, -59
11ax HE80
HE0, 11 -86, -56
Power and Receive Sensitivity - 2.4 GHz
Channel Data Rate Power (dBm) Sensitivity
1 - 11 Mbps 23 -95, -88
6 Mbps 22 -91
54 Mbps 21 -74
11n HT20 MCS0, 7 22, 21 -91, -71
11n HT40 MCS0, 7 22, 21 -88, -68
11ax HE20 HE0, 11 22, 19 -90, -61
11ax HE40
HE0, 11 22, 19 -87, -58
Power and Receive Sensitivity – 5 GHz
Channel Data Rate Power (dBm) Sensitivity
6 Mbps 20 -93
54 Mbps 18 -75
11n HT20 MCS0, 7 20, 16 -92, -73
11n HT40 MCS0, 7 20, 16 -89, -70
11ac VHT20 MCS0, 8 20, 15 -92, -69
11ac VHT40 MCS0, 9 20, 15 -89, -64
11ac VHT80 MCS0, 9 20, 15 -86, -61
11ac VHT160 MCS0, 9 20, 15 -83, -58
11ax HE20 HE0, 11 20, 14 -91, -61
11ax HE40 HE0, 11 20, 14 -88, -58
11ax HE80 HE0, 11 20, 14 -85, -55
11ax HE160
HE0, 11 20, 14 -82, -52
(Sensor) Receive Sensitivity – 2.4 GHz
Channel Data Rate Sensitivity
1 - 11 Mbps -94, -87
6 Mbps -90
54 Mbps -73
11n HT20 MCS0, 7 -90, -70
11n HT40 MCS0, 7 -87, -67
11ax HE20 HE0, 11 -89, -60
11ax HE40
HE0, 11 -86, -57
Receive Sensitivity – 5 GHz
Channel Data Rate Power (dBm)
6 Mbps -93
54 Mbps -75
11n HT20 MCS0, 7 -92, -73
11n HT40 MCS0, 7 -89, -70
11ac VHT20 MCS0, 8 -92, -69
11ac VHT40 MCS0, 9 -89, -64
11ac VHT80 MCS0, 9 -86, -61
11ax HE20 HE0, 11 -91, -61
11ax HE40 HE0, 11 -88, -58
11ax HE80
HE0, 11 -85, -55
Maximum EIRP may vary based upon deployed country.