
124 ExtremeWare XOS 10.1 Concepts Guide
Policy Examples
Translating an Access Profile to a Policy
You may be more familiar with using access profiles on other Extreme Networks switches. This
example shows the policy equivalent to an access-profile.
ExtremeWare Access-Profile:
Seq_No Action IP Address IP Mask Exact
5 permit No
10 permit Yes
15 deny any No
20 permit No
community [add | delete] [no-advertise | no-export |
no-export-subconfed | <community_num>
{<community_num1> <community_num2> .
<community_numN>} | <as_num> :
<community_num> {<as_num1>
<community_num1> <as_num2>
<community_num2> .}];
Adds/deletes communities to/from a route's community
attribute. Communities must be enclosed in double quotes
community remove; Strips off the entire community attribute from a route.
Communities must be enclosed in double quotes ("").
cost <cost(0-4261412864)>; Sets the cost/metric for a route.
cost-type {ase-type-1 | ase-type-2 | external |
Sets the cost type for a route.
dampening half-life <minutes (1-45)> reuse-limit
<number (1-20000)> suppress-limit <number
(1-20000)> max-suppress <minutes (1-255)>;
Sets the BGP route flap dampening parameters.
deny; Deny the route.
local-preference <number>; Sets the BGP local preference for a route.
med {add | delete} <number>; Performs MED arithmetic. "Add" means the value of the
MED in the route will be incremented by <number> and
"delete" means the value of the MED in the route will be
decremented by <number>.
med {internal | remove}; "Internal" means that IGP distance to the next hop will be
taken as the MED for a route. "Remove" means take out
the MED attribute from the route.
med set <number>; Sets the MED attribute for a route.
next-hop <ipaddress> ; Sets the next hop attribute for a route.
nlri [<ipaddress> | any]/<mask-length> {exact};
nlri [<ipaddress> | any] mask <mask> {exact};
These set statements are used for building a list of IP
addresses. This is used by PIM to set up the RP list.
origin {igp | egp | incomplete}; Sets the BGP route origin values.
permit; Permit the route.
tag <number>; Sets the tag number for a route.
weight <number> Sets the weight for a route.
Table 26: Policy Actions (continued)
Action Description