User's Manual

Command ASCII Command
(Host to Scaler)
(Scaler to Host)
Additional Description
Input Configuration (continued)
Total Lines
View total lines
E TLIN } X^ ]
In verbose modes 2 and 3:
Tlin 1 * X^ ]
Show total number of lines for
the input.
Total Pixels
View total pixels
E TPIX } X& ]
In verbose modes 2 and 3:
Tpix 1 * X& ]
Show the total number of pixels
(X&) for the input.
Horizontal or Vertical Start
View horizontal start
E HSRT } X$ ]
In verbose modes 2 and 3:
Hsrt 1 * X$ ]
Show the horizontal location of
the first active pixel (
X$) of the
View vertical start
E VSRT } X$ ]
In verbose modes 2 and 3:
Vsrt 1 * X$ ]
Show the vertical (line) location
of the first active pixel (X$) of
the input.
3:2, 2:2, and 24:1 Film Mode Detection
Enable auto detection
E 1 FILM } Film 1 * X1) ]
Enable automatic detection of
film mode (3:2, 2:2, and 24:1
pull-down) (default).
Disable auto detection
E 0 FILM } Film 1 * X1) ]
Disable automatic film mode
View setting
E FILM } X1) ]
In verbose modes 2 and 3:
Film 1 * X1) ]
View the current film mode
Picture Adjustments
Video Mute (Defaults to unmuted after a power cycle.)
Mute video to black
1 * 1B
Vmt 1 * 1
Mute video, displaying black
video on output.
Mute all sync and video
1 * 2B
Vmt 1 * 2
Mute all of the signal on the
SDI output or all TMDS on the
HDMI video output.
Unmute video and
output sync
1 * 0B
Vmt 1 * 0
DSC 3G-HD A: Display the
selected input on the HDMI
DSC HD-3G A: Display the
select input.
X4@ ]
In verbose modes 2 and 3:
Vmt 1 * X4@ ]
DSC 3G-HD A: View the mute
status on the HDMI output.
DSC HD-3G A: View output
mute status X4@.
NOTE: X$ = Horizontal or vertical start: 0 to 255 (default midpoint = 128)
X^ = Total lines: ±512 of the default value
X& = Total pixels: ±512 of the default value
X1) = Film mode automatic detection status: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
X4@ = Video mute status: 0 = unmuted (default), 1 = muted, 2 = all output sync and video muted
DSC 3G-HD A and DSC HD-3G A • Remote Configuration and Control 50