User's Manual

Command ASCII Command
(Host to Scaler)
(Scaler to Host)
Additional Description
Presets (continued)
Input Presets
Recall preset
2 *
X2^ . 2 Rpr X2^ ] Recall input preset X2^ for
selected input.
Save preset
2 *
X2^ , 2 Spr X2^ ] Save input preset X2^ for
selected input.
Delete/clear preset
E X 2 * X2^ PRST } Prst X 2 * X2^ ] Clear input preset X2^ and set
its name to [unassigned].
Input Preset Name
Write name
E 2 * X2^ , X1$ PNAM }
Pnam 2 *X2^ , X1$]
Set the name of input preset
X2^ to X1$.
Read name
E 2 * X2^ PNAM } X1$ ]
In verbose modes 2 and 3:
Pnam 1 * X2% , X1$ ]
View the name of input preset
NOTE: Unnamed presets are shown as [unassigned]. To restore a default input preset name, enter a single space
character for X1$. These entries are valid only for previously saved presets.
Output Configuration
Output EDID (DSC 3G-HD A only)
Save output EDID
E S 1 X2! EDID } Edid S 1 * X2! ]
Save the EDID of the current
DSC 3G-HD A output to X2!.
Output Scaler Rate
Set output rate
E X2) RATE } Rate X2) ]
Select the DSC 3G-HD A
output resolution and refresh
View output rate
E RATE } X2) ]
Rate X2) ]
Show selected output rate.
NOTE: X1$ = Preset name, up to 16 characters
X2) = Output resolution and refresh rate:
DSC 3G-HD A: 192.
1 = EDID of connected HDMI display, 2 = Custom rate 1, 3 = Custom rate 2, 4 = Custom rate 3,
9 = Match the input rate (if the current input is not a valid output rate, defaults to 720p @ 60 Hz [73]).
For variables 11-92, see the DSC 3G-HD A variables table on page 44.
DSC HD-3G A: 096.
0 = Automatic: matches current output resolution (default), 1 = Custom rate 1, 2 = Custom rate 2,
3 = Custom rate 3, 9 = Match the input rate.
For variables 65-96, see the DSC HD-3G A variables table on page 45.
Response is 2 digits padded with a zero.
X2! = EDID emulations: 0 = Automatic: matches current output resolution (default),
1 = Custom EDID 1, 2 = Custom EDID 2, 3 = Custom EDID 3, 9 = Match the input rate.
For variables 11-96, see the SIS EDID table on page 45.
Response is 2 digits padded with a zero.
X2^ = Input preset number: 1 128. Response is 2 digits padded with a zero.
DSC 3G-HD A and DSC HD-3G A • Remote Configuration and Control 54