User guide

SIS Command Validity Table
If only one fiber optic channel is enabled, the ability to configure the system through
SIS commands is limited by the lack of return communication from the receiver to the
All commands issued through the transmitter are valid because link 1 allows signals to be
forwarded to the receiver. However, responses to queries originating from the transmitter
about the status of the receiver return invalid data.
All configuration of the receiver by commands issued through the receiver is valid. Attempts
to configure the the transmitter through the receiver in the absence of link 2 are invalid.
The following table shows the validity of commands issued through the receiver when only
link 1 is active:
Color Valid
Tint Valid
Brightness Valid
Contrast Valid
Audio gain/attenuation Invalid
Audio mute Valid
Audio output level Valid
Output configuration Valid
Input configuration Invalid
Daisy chain mode Valid
Test pattern Valid
Video mute Valid
Control Program
The Extron FOX Extender Control Program communicates with the transmitter and receiver
pair via the rear panel Remote RS-232 port or front panel configuration port of either unit.
The program is compatible with Windows® 2000, Windows XP and later versions of
Windows. Upgrades to the control program can be downloaded from the Extron Website
Installing the Software
Insert the disc provided into the DVD-ROM drive of the computer. If the setup program
does not start automatically, run Launch.exe from the DVD-ROM directory in Windows
My Computer. Select the Software tab, locate the FOX Extender Windows Control Program
and click Install. Follow the on screen instructions.
By default, the Installer program creates a C:\Program Files\Extron\
folder, containing the FOX Extender control program. An icon may also be
placed on the Windows desktop.
FOX Tx/Rx AV • Conguration 19