User manual

Tip: The mode simple window presents all the basic function from Aladin. It can be
used by default (see 8.1 user profiles) and in particular if Aladin is used as an applet
(see 7.2 – Aladin in a web browser)
5.1.3 The tool bar
Located vertically in between the stack and the view, the “tool bar” enables a quick access
to the most used tools:
select Mode: select objects in the view
pan. Mode: moving the view
zoom Mode: adjusting the zoom factor for the view
dist Graphical addition for measuring distances
draw Graphical addition for hand-drawings
tag Graphical addition to tag a location
text Graphical addition to write text
filter Generate filters for catalogues
cross catalogues cross-match tool
rgb Colour images generator
assoc Generate images associations (mosaics or animated sequences)
cont Contour generator
mglss Activate/deactivate the magnification glass
pixel Opens the window that controls the pixel dynamics
prop Open the properties window
del Deletes the current element
Buttons are activated depending on the selected planes in the stack. Some buttons
remain in grey if they are not relevant for the plane type or if the number of selected
planes does not correspond to the action to perform.
Modes and tools
The three first buttons are related to the action modes of the mouse in the view in order
to select objects, move the field of view or zoom in and out (see below the three viewing
modes). These buttons are mutually exclusives. As indicated previously, moving the
mouse pointer out of the view re-activates the default mode “Select”.
All the other buttons are related to tools. Here will be detailed, only the tools those are
not described in the other sections of this document.
The graphic tools: dist, draw, tag and text
Menu: Overlay => dist, draw, tag, text
Short key: Alt+D (distance)