User manual

Script command
The location field can also be used, not only for a location, but also to type any other
script command (see 7.1 – Aladin with script)
Let’s look at the bottom of the main window: the “measures panel”.
5.1.6 The measures
The measure panel " is located at the bottom of the Aladin main window. It is used to
visualise measures associated to the sources. It is a really powerful tool that enables you
to select, sort and filter tables.
Only selected sources (the selection is obtained individually or collectively in the view
with the mouse - see 5.1.2) appear in the measure panel. These measures are displayed
as a table in which each line corresponds to the values associated to a source.
Selected sources are framed with a green square in the view. Moving the mouse on the
selected source makes it blink and show simultaneously corresponding measures by
highlighting the line in blue. Vice versa, going onto a line in the measures table makes
the corresponding source blink if it is visible. Furthermore, selecting a line in the table
(by double-clicking on it) will move the view so that it becomes centred on the
corresponding source.
The first line in the table gives the header describing each column’s content. Clicking on
a box in the headline leads to a sort of the lines by increasing and then decreasing order
according to the column’s value. A small triangle appears on the right of the column’s
name in order to indicate the sorted column. Sorting will be either alphabetical or
numerical given the column’s content. It is possible to resize the width of a column by a
click and drag of the right border of a box in the headline. If a box is too small to display
the total value, by moving with the mouse over this box, you will temporarily see the box
enlarged to unveil the remaining part of the value.