User manual

Measures from different catalogues
If the selected sources come from different catalogues, tables with different columns will
be shown one after the other. The colour of the square at the beginning of the line is
useful to disentangle them (the colour is the same as the plane in the stack).
The headline always corresponds to the last selected line (clicked with the mouse) or the
one below the mouse pointer. The colour of the line below the headline is also the same
as the colour of the corresponding catalogue.
Links and buttons
As in a web browser, the blue underlined values are links to additional information
available on the web. The web address that will be used is displayed on the bottom of the
Aladin window when the mouse pointer moves over the link. By clicking with the mouse
on a link, a web browser is opened and loads the corresponding web page. In general,
the first link in a measure line will load the original record in the website that was gave
the catalogue (SIMBAD, NED, Vizier….)
Some values can also be displayed as a button. Like a web link, activating such a button
leads to the loading of additional data via the internet. However, instead of leading your
web browser, the loaded data will be added to the stack in order to be visualised
immediately in Aladin. Most often, such data are archive images associated to an
observation list.
Independent window
The measures panel can be detached from the main window by clicking on the logo at
the top right . This is useful both to get a larger working space, but also to work more
easily on a larger number of measures. Please note that the measure tables in Aladin can
easily load several hundred thousands lines. Re-integrating the measure window to its
initial location is simply done by clicking again on this same logo or by closing the
Sources selection
Selecting sources can be done either with the menus, with the mouse, or with a query
Selection with menus
Menu: Edit => Select …
Short key: Ctrl+A (all objects)