User manual

5.2.5The control band
The server selector shows at its bottom a control band that is common to all forms.
Reset: Delete all selection fields in the current form;
Clear: Reinitialize the current form by putting back defaults values, and in particular
the target and radius corresponding to the previously loaded data;
Help: Displays an help panel on how to use the window;
SUBMIT: starts the current form query;
Close: Close the window.
5.2.6The 4 forms linked to the top tabs
Special forms are gathered on top of the window.
“File” - Local or URL access.
This form lets you load personal data, either via local files or through a web address
(url). It can be either type of data that can be supported by Aladin (see Erreur : source de
la référence non trouvée). The Browse button lets you browse through the file selector
in your exploitation system in order to select the file of interest.
Tip: Local data can also be loaded by click and drag of a file icon from a window on your
desk or from your file explorer directly into the Aladin window. This can also be done in
the same way for images or linked that are displayed in a web browser.
Tip: When dealing with a local directory name, Aladin will scan the whole content of the
directory and sub-directories and will build the data tree for the available data. It will