User manual

The 256 pixel values can be displayed
either with grey levels, in positive or
negative, or with a colour table that
will make a correspondence between
each pixel value and a specific colour.
It is however possible that
“interesting” pixels are not those of
your interest, or that the autocut
algorithm is not well suited for the
characteristics of the images you wish
to display. To adjust manually the
pixels dynamics, you can use the
“Image => pixel contrast ’ menu, or the
“pixel” more directly accessible in the
tools bar.
The pixel dynamic window shows the
A strip showing how the 256 pixel
levels look;
An histogram showing the pixels
distribution between the smallest
and the largest values kept by
Three tuning cursors;
And information and control band.
In a single click!
If you wish to only increase or decrease the image contrast without modifying the range
of kept pixels, you can modify the transfer function that was chosen:
Log: a lot of contrast
Sqrt: some contrast
Linear: normal
Pow2: little contrast
If you wish to refine the pixels dynamics, you need to read and understand what follows.
Information on pixels
At the bottom of the window, you will find information giving the minimum and
maximum values existing in the image, as well as the lower and upper thresholds
estimated by Aladin in an automatic way (“autocut limits”).
The curve over plotted on the histogram shows the transfer function that is used to
relate the retained pixels values and the 256 possible levels. By default, this is a simple
oblique line because 1) by default the conversion is a simple linear translation, and 2)
the colour table is “gray” - grey levels, i.e. all 3 components Red-Green-Blue effectively
displayed will always have the same values. A colour table using something other than
grey levels will display 3 distinct curves, one for the red, one for the green and one for