User manual

log( abs(${Fi})/${Fx} ) > 44 { draw }
It is mandatory to use quotes (") for strings. Joker keys are allowed ‘ ?’ et ‘*’ ;
The undefined(…) operation enables you to see lines that don’t have a value for a
given column.
Graphical actions
Two actions are available:
Draw: to draw a source;
Hide: rarely used, it enables you to hide specific sources.
When using a “draw”, the action can be on the shape and/or on the colour of the plot.
The syntax is the following:
draw color shape
The edit board for the filter offers two buttons enabling a quick selection of the desired
shape and colour.
The shape and colour functions can be associated to columns and/or to the use of
arithmetic expressions.
Example: Drawing red triangles:
{ draw red triangle }
Example: Drawing ellipses
{ draw ELLIPSE(0.5*${MajAxis},0.5*${MinAxis},$
{PosAng}) }
Example: Drawing squares for which the colours is a function of the
{ draw RAINBOW(${magB}) square }