User manual

to select a column by a simple click on it in the measure panel. To do so, you need to
choose the sub-menu “Pick…” when you click on “Columns” or “UCDs”.
Physical units
Indicating physical units (e.g. arcmin, Jy, …) in the test enables you to get rid of the
manual conversion for expressions using columns in which values are not expressed in
the same unit. Units can be made as shown in the following example. This is a powerful
example to describe generic filters.
Example: Drawing a circle proportional to the X flux (UCD :
phot.flux;em.X-ray) for all sources for which the energy level is higher
than the given threshold
$[phot.flux;em.X-ray]>10^-8 erg/m^2/s
{ draw circle($[phot.flux;em.X-ray]) }
Modifying a filter
To find again a filter editing window, you need to select the corresponding filter in the
stack and show its properties with the menu “Edit => Properties”.
Extending the implementation of a filter
To be implemented, a filter has to be activated with the check close
to its logo in the stack. By default, a filter is applied to all the
catalogues planes that are below in the Aladin stack. However, if a
filter is located in a directory in the stack, it will only be
implemented to the catalogue planes belonging to this directory.