User manual

Generate a “clickable” map
When save the Aladin view, the format PNG+LINK is offered. This format is dedicated
to the creation of " Web clickable maps”. The view is save with the classical PNG format.
A second file is generated simultaneously with a “.lnk” extension. It contains an ASCII
format that is very simple for clickable objects present in the view, their position in the
PNG image and a URL to access to the whole associated record. Both files are located on
a web server and will let you build easily a clickable map. For more details on the
method, the format and implementation examples, please go to: http://aladin.u-
5.14User preferences
Menu: Edit => User preferences …
Aladin gathers in the preference window, most of the configuration parameters specific
to the user. You can hence define the following elements:
The language for the graphical interface (english, french, italian,);
The starting mode for Aladin, e.g.astronomer for professionals, undergraduate for
scholars or a simple dynamic visualisation window (“preview”) (see5.1.2).
The default directory where Aladin will look for or save local files;
The default display mode for pixels (inverted video, colour table, …);
When loading an ASCII table, the character used to separate columns (TAB, ‘ ;’, …) ;
Activation or not of dedicated filters (see 5.5 – filter usage);
Translucence level for instrumental fields (see 5.2.6 - FoV) by default;
The default image server (when querying with a simple astronomical object name);
The default web site is the server directory (see 5.2.1 the server selector), i.e. the
machine that will give at each start the list of available servers, the parameters to
give, … ;
According to your computer configuration, your preferred browser for the web;
The preference window lets you also:
Create your own translation language (see below);
Reload during the session all the data server definitions, which will also reinitialise
the internal cash for Aladin metadata.
Some parameters are not tunable, but can be simply kept from one session to the other,
for example the size and location of the Aladin window, the Reticle type (large or
classical), the activation or not of info-bubbles on sources …
Tip: The configuration parameters are kept in simple ASCII file “Aladin.conf” that can
be edited in the “.aladin” directory on your home directory ($HOME en unix,
\Document and Settings\YourName in Windows). To reinitialize the parameters to the
original configuration, you only need to delete this file.