User manual

The list of Aladin script commands
Help on the script commands may be obtained via the Help -> Help on script
commands” menu item. This displays the online help in the main Aladin window. Each
script command may be clicked to provide an explanation of the command and the input
Using the planes of the stack as 'variables'
In the context of a script, it is possible to use the planes of the stack as variables. The
planes may be referred to by name, or by their position in the stack. Also, script
commands may create new planes of the stack “PlaneName = commande…” . To refer to
the planes by position in the stack
may be replaced by @nnn where nnn
is the
the number of the plane - @1 being the lowest plane in the stack. If the plane with the
specified number already exists, a new plane will be created at the top of the stack.
Example : Create a plane called “MyImage” with an
DSS/ESO image of M1:
MyImage = get ESO(DSS1) M1