User manual

For images having a few hundred megabytes, Aladin will use some space on disk for
temporary full pixel value storage. The impact on the fluidity is not really sensible;
For several gigabyte images, Aladin will deploy a strategy in two steps: a first low
resolution but fast display for the whole image, and when the user zooms on a
enough small area, a second full resolution display but requiring to load from disk all
concerned pixels. This strategy in two steps has some constraints: time required for
loading full pixels for each concerned areas, but allows one to manage any image
8.4.2 Catalogue management
Aladin is always fully loading catalogues in memory. One source takes approximately
300 byte space. It means that you can load approximately 1.5 million sources with a 1
Gigabyte RAM machine. In practice, this limit is rather around 1 million sources for
sharing a part of RAM with other applications.