Installation Guide

Installation guide for EZ-NICHES
1. Carefully select the ideal location on the shower wall for your niche, ensuring it's positioned
away from fixtures or obstacles that could hinder installation or use.
2. Utilize the back of the EZ-NICHE to trace its outline onto the shower wall, making sure it's
level and centered as desired.
3. Safely cut out the niche opening using a saw or cutter, following the traced outline precisely
to avoid any unnecessary damage or gaps. Be cautious of plumbing or electrical lines.
4. Insert the EZ-NICHE into the opening and secure it using screws or adhesive.
5. Enhance water protection by applying a bead of silicone behind the flange.
6. With the EZ-NICHE securely in place, use modified thin-set mortar to affix tiles directly onto
the system. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions for mortar mixing and application.
7. Install the tiles onto the EZ-NICHE, ensuring they are level and properly aligned.
8. Allow the mortar to thoroughly dry and set before proceeding with grouting the tiles. Follow
the manufacturer's guidelines for grout mixing and application.
Note: EZ-NICHES are versatile and can be installed horizontally or vertically depending on your
shower design. Always ensure that the system is level and centered for a professional and
seamless finish.
We hope this installation guide is helpful in ensuring a successful installation of your EZ-NICHE.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our customer service team for assistance.
Alpinebay, Inc | 1668 EL Pinal Drive, Stockton CA 95205 |
Office: 209-462-1818 Fax: 209-462-8888