User's Manual

2 . I nstalling USB Driver ( 1 )
Connect ing USB cable t o t he Player display s the follow ing screen in t he
display( WAI T) on t he Player.
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Befor e in st a ll drive Aft e r inst a ll drive
1. Follow the inst ruct ion below for t he PC of which OS is one of t he
Windows ME, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
A screen appears with a m essage say ing, New hardware is found on
the PC as show n below. Follow t he instr uction t o install the dr iver. The
installat ion m ay aut om at ically be com pleted wit hout show ing t he
installat ion screen depending on the PC environm ent .
An exam ple here is for the W I N DOW S 2 0 0 0 .
1) A m essage saying,
Found New Hardware
aut om at ically appears.