User's Manual

2 . I nstalling USB Driver ( 9 ) - Confir m at ion
The inst allat ion of the USB driver is followed by connect ing t he USB cable
of PC t o t he player t o execut e My Com puter or Window s Explorer,
when you can see Rem ovable Disc in My Com put er or the m essage
READY” on t he display of the player. I f t hen, you can enj oy t he player. I f
not , you should check Device Manager; in case you cant see EZM AX
EZMP- 2 1 0 0 USB D e vice" in Disc Drive of Device Manager and USB
Ma ss St or age D e v ice of USB Cont roller( except for Windows 98SE), or
in case t here appears a yellow exclam at ion m ark( ! ) or Unknown Device,
the driver hasnt been norm ally inst alled. You should re- install it .
When re- inst alling t he driver, delet e t he m ark( ! ) or Unknown Device
wit h the player connect ed to t he USB cable. And t hen repeat USB Driver
I nst alling. When it doesnt work norm ally I n spit e of that , you can refer
to our website or cont act us.