User's Manual

1 . Basic Opera t ion ( 3 )
- When listening t o the m usic or t he r ecorded file, briefly press t o m ove
to the previous m usic while keep pressing t o fast m ove wit hin t he
current playback file.
- I n t he MENU screen, briefly press t o m ove t o t he previous m enu item .
- When listening t o the FM radio, briefly pr ess t o m ove t o t he pr evious
frequency while keep pressing to aut om atically search t he previous
st at ion. I n t he PRESET m ode, briefly press to m ove t o t he next
PRESET num ber.
8) A< - - > B / REC
- During t he playback, br iefly pr ess to specify the sect ion ‘A’ and again
briefly pr ess t o specify t he section ‘B’ for the Repeat Sect ion. And
then again briefly press t o cancel t he Repeat Section.
- When listening t o the FM radio, lengt hily press t o record t he radio
st ation.
- I f t he FM radio is not on and t he LI NE is connected, lengthily press to
record t hr ough t he LI NE. I f the LI NE is not connect ed, press t w o
seconds t o record voice.