User's Manual

4 . Fe a t ure s of t he Product ( 2 )
Ea sy N aviga t ion
A tree configuration allows the easy search and cont rol.
6 Pr e set Equ alizer
You can produce your own sound quality with t he 5-band User EQ and 5
recom m end EQs including Norm al, Classic, Pop, Rock and Jazz.
Capt ion th e Tex t of t he Son g
The t ext of the song is shown in t wo lines on t he display during the
Com pa t ible w it h t he Re m ova ble Disk Unit
I t is recognized as a rem ovable disk unit if connect ing t o t he PC t o
upload or download files wit hout Manager program .
Dir ect En codin g
Use the LI NE I N on t he player to convert the ext ernal sound into the
audio file. Also use t he FM radio t o convert t he radio broadcast ing into
the audio file while listening t o t he FM radio.
Show M y Ow n Sen se of Logo on My Pla y e r
User can display t he self- creat ed logo on the Player..