User's Manual

WITS Installation Guide
Doc No :
VEHIU-R-020 Page 18 of 22
© Ezurio Ltd 2007 VEHIU-R-020-01 Installation Guide.doc1
Select the firmware image and press Open. Flash loading will now start. The progress bars for
the active serial ports will then be used to indicate flash progress with each of the modules being
programmed. It is possible that the flash load will fail at the first attempt (the progress bars will
stop moving) – if this happens simply press the abort button and then repeat the above process
starting with pressing the Load button.
Flash programming occurs in two stages – the first phase is the erase cycle and the progress
bar will indicate the progress through this stage before being erased and then showing the
progress through the second, programming, phase. Whilst programming is in progress, the
status indicator on the right hand side will show WAIT for all active modules. When programming
is complete the status indicator will change to PASS. When all status indicators show pass the
programming operation is complete. A typical window during programming is shown below: