Product Info

Bluetooth Serial Module
AT Command Set
Date : 3 Feb 03 Issue No : 1.9 Doc No : XRBLU020-001SW-0 Page 11 of 38
© TDK Systems Europe Ltd 2003
2.2.8 ATSn? {Query S Register}
This will return the current value of register n.
For recognised values of n
Response: <cr,lf>As Appropriate<cr,lf> OK<cr,lf>
For unrecognised values of n
Response: <cr,lf>ERROR nn<cr,lf>
2.2.9 ATD<bd_addr> {Make Connection}
Make a connection to device with Bluetooth addess <bd_addr>. Authentication and Encryption is as per S
registers 500 and 501. The timeout is specified by S register 505
Response: <cr,lf>CONNECT 123456789012<cr,lf>
Or <cr,lf>NO CARRIER<cr,lf>
2.2.10 ATDU<bd_addr> {Make Authenticated Connection}
Make an authenticated connection to device with Bluetooth addess <bd_addr>. Encryption is disabled.
Response: <cr,lf>CONNECT 123456789012 A<cr,lf>
Or <cr,lf>NO CARRIER<cr,lf>
2.2.11 ATDY<bd_addr> {Make Encrypted Connection}
Make an encrypted connection to device with Bluetooth addess <bd_addr>. Authentication is disabled
Response: <cr,lf>CONNECT 123456789012 E<cr,lf>
Or <cr,lf>NO CARRIER<cr,lf>
2.2.12 ATDUY<bd_addr> {Make Encrypted/Authenticated Connection}
Make an encrypted and authenticated connection to device with Bluetooth addess <bd_addr>.
Response: <cr,lf>CONNECT 123456789012 AE<cr,lf>
Or <cr,lf>NO CARRIER<cr,lf>
2.2.13 ATDYU<bd_addr> {Make Encrypted/Authenticated Connection}
Make an encrypted and authenticated connection to device with Bluetooth addess <bd_addr>.
Response: <cr,lf>CONNECT 123456789012 AE<cr,lf>
Or <cr,lf>NO CARRIER<cr,lf>
2.2.14 +++ {Enter Command Mode}
Usually this is the escape sequence for forcing a modem into command mode when in online state. Since
this device could be used to connect to a mobile phone modem over a Bluetooth serial port profile, it could
confuse matters considerably, therefore the sequence ^^^ is used as described next.