Product Info

Bluetooth Serial Module
AT Command Set
Date : 3 Feb 03 Issue No : 1.9 Doc No : XRBLU020-001SW-0 Page 17 of 38
© TDK Systems Europe Ltd 2003
2.2.45 AT+BTT? {List Trusted Devices}
This command is used to list the contents of the trusted device database. The link key is NOT displayed so
the response is as shown below. If the list is empty then just the OK response is sent otherwise an OK is
used to terminate the list. Use the command ATI6 to read the maximum size of the trusted device
Response: <cr,lf>12346789012
2.2.46 AT+BTW? {List Cached Trusted Device}
This command is used to list the cached trusted device and the response is as follows.
Response: <cr,lf>12346789012
If the cache is empty the the response is as follows.
Response: <cr,lf>OK<cr,lf>
2.2.47 AT+BTD<bd_addr> {Remove Trusted Device}
This command is used to remove the specified device from the list of trusted devices in the non-volatile
database. If the device is not in the database then the response will still be an OK.
Response: <lfcr>OK<cr,lf>
2.2.48 AT+BTD* {Remove All Trusted Device}
This command is used to remove all devices from the list of trusted devices in the non-volatile database.
No confirmation will be asked for. So beware !!!
Response: <lfcr>OK<cr,lf>
2.2.50 AT+BTR<bd_addr> {Set Peer Address}
This command is used to store a peer address in non-volatile storage. A value of 000000000000 has the
special meaning of invalid peer address.
This command is used to set up a module in pure cable replacement mode.
If S register 512 = 1 and the peer address is NOT 000000000000, then it will periodically (time specified
via S register 505) attempt to connect to the peer address specified.
If S register 512 = 3 or 4 then it will wait for an inbound connection from the peer address specified. If the
peer address is not 000000000000, then it waits for a connection from the specified master, otherwise will
connect to anyone.
Response: <lfcr>OK<cr,lf>