Product Info

Bluetooth Serial Module
AT Command Set
Date : 3 Feb 03 Issue No : 1.9 Doc No : XRBLU020-001SW-0 Page 20 of 38
© TDK Systems Europe Ltd 2003
4. Incoming Connections
The serial module can be configured using the AT+BTP or AT+BTG command so that it will scan for
incoming connections from other Bluetooth devices.
When the lower layers detect an incoming call, a RING 123456789012 string is sent to the host every
second. The command ATA is used to accept the connection and ATH to reject it.
On connection, if the S0 Register is >=0 then confirmation to the host is in the form:-
CONNECT 123456789012
CONNECT 123456789012 A
CONNECT 123456789012 E
CONNECT 123456789012 AE
Where ‘A’ means authenticated connection and ‘E’ means encryption has been enabled.
When S0 register is -1, neither RING nor CONNECT is sent to the host and the connection is silently