Product Info

Bluetooth Serial Module
AT Command Set
Date : 3 Feb 03 Issue No : 1.9 Doc No : XRBLU020-001SW-0 Page 37 of 38
© TDK Systems Europe Ltd 2003
14.3 Example 3: Trusted Device Management
14.3.1 Background
Bluetooth provides for secure connections through the use of link keys. The link keys are 128 bit entities
which are uniquely created for each BT device via the device’s Bluetooth address. Since all BT addresses
are unique, this results in unique keys.
The link keys are ‘private’ objects and as such are never exposed via the AT interface. They at all times
remain within the serial device. Therefore the serial module allows link key management by using
Bluetooth addresses as handles.
The device has a database of link keys. Each record in the database has two fields. One field contains the
Bluetooth address and the other contains the 128 bit link key. Only the address field is viewable.
The following subsections describe AT command sequence for typical pairing functions.
14.3.2 Obtain a new Link Key
This process will obtain a new link key for a remote device whose address is 123456789012 and whose
pin code is known to be 12345.
AT Command Response Comment
PIN? 123456789012 This is sent to the host every 2000ms
PIN? 123456789012
AT+BTK=”12345” OK Pairing complete. The link key is stored in a volatile
PIN 0 123456789012 Pairing successful
14.3.3 Store link key in trusted device database
This process assumes that the procedure described in “Obtain a new link key” has been done and there
exists a link key in the cache, and that the database is not full.
AT Command Response Comment
14.3.4 List trusted device database
This process assumes that the procedure described in “Obtain a new link key” has been done and there
exists a link key in the cache, and that the database is not full.
AT Command Response Comment
AT+BTT? 123456789012