User Manual

The main benefit of V.110 connections compared to standard GSM data connections
is that call setup is much quicker. Transmission delay and error rate is also slightly
lower. V.110 data calls are routed over ISDN and therefore the call setup and data
transfer is entirely digital.
To set up your Palm to make V.110 connections
5 Click on Details.
6 Enter the Init String (initialisation string) relevent to the mobile phone you
Nokia 6210
Connection Initialisation String
9,600bps at+cbst=71,0,1
Ericsson R520m & T39m
Connection Initialisation String
9,600bps at+cbst=71,0,1
1 Tap to locate the icon.
2 Tap the icon.
3 If the Connection is not already showing, tap the in the top right corner
and select Connection from the drop down list.
4 Highlight Bluetooth (Dialup) and click on Edit.