User's Manual

This setting allows you to change the settings for the GSM
network as following:
- Account Name: Edit the account name.
- Number: Enter the server phone number.
- User Name: Enter the user name required to connect
to GSM Data network.
- Password: Enter the password required to connect to
GSM Data network.
- Line Type: Choose a network connection type
between Analogue and ISDN.
- Speed: Select the desired speed from 4.8, 9.6 Kbps
and 14.4 Kbps.
- DNS( Enter the IP address
This setting allows you to change the settings for the
GPRS network as following.
- Account Name: Edit the account name.
- APN: Enter the access point name used for the
address of the GPRS network gateway.
- User Name: Enter the User Name required to
connect to GPRS network.
- Password: Enter the password required to connect to
GPRS network
- Auth. Type: Select the authorization type from Normal
and Secure.
File Manager