Technical Specifications
Light Tunnel Flashing SLS is suitable for flat roof coverings up to 10 mm (2 layers x 5 mm)
thickness e.g. tiles, shingles, slates. SLZ flashing is applied to roof coverings with a profile
depth of up to 45 mm such as: tiles, profile metal sheeting. SLH flashing is used for fitting
light tunnels with profiled roof coverings with a profile depth of up to 90 mm e.g. roof tile,
high profile metal sheeting.
SLM light transmitting tube extension kit. The kit consists of: connecting ring, light
transmitting tube -120 cm element, adhesive tape. The light transmitting tube has other
lengths available to order, but they have to be calculated as multiplicities of 30 cm (e.g. 60
cm, 90 cm, 90 cm,120 cm).
SLC hanger is used when an overall light transmitting tube is longer then 5m. The hangers
are used in order to take part of the tube’s weight and to prevent it from tearing off from
the light tunnel’s flashing.
Applying SLC hanger eliminates the need to use the extension kit SLM. Only part of the
light transmitting tube has to be purchased.
SLO light kit is applied as an alternative source of illumination at nightfall. Light kit is
installed inside the light tunnel.
All SLT Light tunnel elements come with 7 years guarantee period.
Light tunnels are very often used in
flat roofs. To install SRT or SLT light
tunnel properly, the set containing
two products (SLP + SFP) has to
be used.
Flat roof system