User Manual

5.3 Getting Started
To get started with MAMBO2 device you need to have a valid SIM card and it needs to
support SMS, data services. Next is the configuration of the MAMBO2. For more details
how to configure your MAMBO2 and pull its current configuration, refer to the manual
Mambo2PFALConfigurationReferenceGuide.pdf”. The principle of MAMBO2 operation is
explained in Chapter 5.3.1.
To get started with MAMBO2-EVALKIT, please refer to the manual
5.3.1 The principle of MAMBO2 operation
What is required to integrate your MAMBO2 in your application.
MAMBO2 Unit(s),
A valid SIM card for DATA and GPRS,
GPRS settings (provided by your operator),
Remote Server (for receiving TCP packets sent by the MAMBO2 e.g.
Trace4You from FALCOM),
TCP settings (IP-address and socket to which the MAMBO2 should connect),
Device configuration - which should locally be done by the system integrator
or developer,
Client computer with the Internet connection and an installed Web browser
for accessing server services.
The illustration below represents which interfaces the MAMBO2 uses to get connected
with your Remote Server. Moreover, it shows the kind of services used by the user to
track and control the device remotely.
Figure 3: Interfaces that the firmware uses to access the Remote Server by GPRS
The principle of system operation is very simple. The integrated GPS receiver uses the
satellites data to calculate its exact position. This GPS data (device location) can be
with the software configuration either stored inside the device or pulled via SMS or over
Internet to show the location of this data on a web-based mapping site (e.g.
FALCOM Workbench software helps you to configure, test and debug your MAMBO2
This confidential document is a property of FALCOM and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.
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