User Manual

4.4 Bi-Directional Keyfob, remote operation
The Keyfob gives you remote operation of your security Phantom system. This keyfob
operates with the push of one button or button combination. It also gives you direct
feedback on its operation with a blinking light as well as with voice prompts, so you
can be sure that your security system is operating as you intended. The
communication to the Phantom unit is based on the IEEE 802.15.4 wireless network
Figure 5: Keyfob control with allocated Buttons and LEDs names
Buttons common functionalities
Items Buttons overview Using the marked Button(s) Description/Functionalities
1 Button 1 B1 Tests the range of remote control
2 Button 2 B2 Sets the alarm active
3 Button 2 B2
If no alarm activated, activates the alarm, otherwise
returnes activated alarm to inactive (see also Item 2).
4 Button 3 B3 Checks the status of the internal batteries
5 Button 1 + 3 B1+ B3 Switches the Keyfob on.
6 Button 1 + 3 + 2 B1+ B3 + B2 Switches the Keyfob and Black box off.
7 Button 1 + 2 + 3 B1+ B2 + B3 Pairs the Keyfob with Black box.
Table 6: Button description
LEDs lighting colours
Items LEDs overview LEDs marked Colour of light
1 LED 1 L1 Orange
2 LED 2 L2 Red
3 LED 3 L2 Yellow
Table 7: LED description
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