
BLE 5.1 Modules BM833/F/EVer 0.50 June 2019
The 32 bit ARM Cortex M4F MCU with hardware supports for DSP instructions and floating point operations,
code density and execution speed are higher than other Cortex M MCU. The Programmable Peripheral
Interconnect (PPI) system provides a 20-channel bus for direct and autonomous system peripheral
communication without CPU intervention. This brings predictable latency times for peripheral to peripheral
interaction and power saving benefits associated with leaving CPU idle. The device has 2 global power modes
ON/OFF, but all system blocks and peripherals have individual power management control which allows for an
automatic switching RUN/IDLE for system blocks based only on those required/not required to achieve
particular tasks.
The radio supports Bluetooth low energy. Output power is scalable from a maximum of +4dBm down to -20
dBm in 4dB steps. BLE Sensitivity is increased to -97 dBm at 1Mbps and -104 dBm at 125 kbps with CODED
Nordic nRF52833 SoC
The following is a block diagram of Nordic nRF52833 SoC.