Installation Guide

IBR Installation Guide
Page 10 of 38 Doc # 770-00023.1
Jan. 23, 2015
2.5 Technical Assistance
In the event there is a problem with IBR or other equipment provided by Fastback Networks ( e.g., it arrives
damaged or incomplete, or appears to not work properly), the operator should contact Fastback Networks’
service center via telephone or email and be prepared to provide:
Product type and serial number
Product service history (e.g., when was it received, how long has it been in service, other relevant
Description of the problem
Customer contact information
Fastback Networks’ Customer Service can be reached by any of the following:
Telephone: (408) 430-5440 Select service option (2) between 08001700 PT on business days
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3. Communicating with IBR
IBR has no external or internal keypads, switches, dials, knobs, or other physical controls. Therefore, an
operator will require a smart terminal, computer, workstation, or other such device to communicate with IBR
using command line interface and accessing IBR via any of the Ethernet ports using Telnet or SSH or via the
serial console port.
3.1 Serial Console
IBR has a four-pin connector that provides a serial interface for connection to a local operator terminal. This
interface can be used by an operator to communicate with and control the IBR during preconfiguration and
troubleshooting or at other times when a local operator needs to communicate with IBR other than over an
Ethernet link.
The mating cable that is provided with IBR has a DB9 connector on the other end. The illustrations below
show the pinouts of the two connectors and the cable wiring scheme.
This interface can be used by an operator only to control, configure, and troubleshoot IBR, but not for general
network connectivity or data transmission. Pin-outs of the four-pin serial connector are shown in the table